Project Mercury – NATO is preparing a range of facilitated opportunities in order to grow the tools and connections needed to cultivate innovation within the NATO Innovation Network.
In a rapidly changing world, fostering creativity and innovation within a military organization like NATO is crucial for staying relevant and competitive in defense, deterrence, security, and diplomacy. This means enabling NATO to adapt, evolve, and respond effectively to changing global challenges by leveraging creative and innovative approaches through multinational partnership and relationships.
We believe in the democratization of Innovation: the idea that every organization has within it the ability to solve its own problems. In short, we believe that innovation can be taught through practice. We also believe that the ideas that will win – those that will outpace, outwit, outthink our global adversaries – come from teams of diverse individuals. Our unique team of PhD coaches, industry experts, and military professionals teach teams to embrace a diversity of thought using the Competing Values Framework and help them build skills utilizing a SODOTO methodology: See One, Do One, Teach One.
Project Mercury – NATO includes a host of options for cultivating innovation, from 3 day basic and advanced innovation workshops to a 12-week Certified Professional Innovator program. These are customizable building blocks that can assist NATO partner nations as they build the innovation culture, competencies, and community that are critical to maintaining free and vibrant societies.